2024 testimonial

This is what Digital Audio needed all along!
To end this first batch of 2024 users testimonials, we can’t resist sharing the following burst of initial feedback from Bert Van Der Wolf, worldwide known recording, mixing and mastering engineer behind the Spirit of Turtle label, tireless dCS, Merging NADAC and now Master Fidelity NADAC promoter, when discovering the new NADAC D, day after day:

“What can I say. I have to recover a bit from this stunning performance. It is a new chapter again in digital audio for sure. Not sure yet how to describe it. Even without the external clocking it is outrageously elegant, yet accurate. WELL DONE!!
I will again need a bit of time and experimenting, but so far it is the most convincing digital that exists I suspect. What the hell!! It truly feels like different recordings somehow! Simultaneously exhilarating and discomforting for me…”
“And I must add a preliminary fact, that attaching the +CLOCK to the NADAC-D has a different ‘effect‘ in terms of ‘improvement/change‘ than applying it to the Merging NADAC or most likely to any other traditional chip DAC, at least when working in DXD, which is usually the format I use. All my recordings are done in DXD for the obvious reasons of flexibility in post-production. It seems to me that the whole phenomenon of this true 1-bit topology is a rather different ball-game altogether, resulting in an almost unfathomably different representation of many “facts” in my recordings.
I will report tomorrow in more detail my findings so far, which are both exhilarating and confusing;-) At the moment I am baffled and honestly humbled, in a sense that I have not come to a definitive first response to what is happening with this DAC! It is at least turning a page in the book again, which only happens every app. decade in my personal experience.”
“A radically different representation of my oh-so-familiar recording work. Recordings that have been under my hands during 10000000’s of edits, mixing decisions and presentations in the studio, at home, at shows, in stereo, and in 5.1/9.1 Immersive. They feel like the inside of my pockets and have been my guide for both evaluating new technologies, although I must admit that most of my cunning discoveries the past years have been tested in Immersive audio as this reveals even more aberrations in digital and analogue technology, due to the vastly increased dependency on phase accuracy and timbral characteristics.
I must admit that stereo has for me a bit of a ‘blinding‘ effect, as it comes to depth layering and timbral balance. The placement of speakers and dependency on the listening room characteristics is so immensely critical, that I often feel lost. My studio of course as the exception as I know it so well and my brain/ears are accustomed and conditioned to the environment.
The fact that stereo is so critical explains to me the whole existence of Ultra High-End audio, sometimes it suggests a stereo representation that almost exceeds the best Immersive audio!”
“The improvements in the DAC reveal tremendous potential in the existing audio files!!!!! To be honest, I hear an enormous improvement of 44.1/24 as I tested this first when NADAC-D came in and immediately was floored by it!
It is humbling and confusing to say the least, but when I tried going to other favourite repertoire, mainly in pop music, I actually found a tremendous ease and a smooth yet accurate representation of my childhood classics! Unbelievably enjoyable and all that I considered ‘unplayable‘ in my studio becomes just totally enjoyable.
Regarding my high-res work, I can tell that it made stereo suddenly more enjoyable to me !!”
“WHAT DO I HEAR? Well, it is actually not that simple at all. It does not feel like an improvement in digital audio. It feels like a totally different beast, both timbral and dynamically. It is digital; clean and flawless, certainly with the DXD input, but to be honest, also playing CD format presents with impressive authority, never fragile and/or brittle. It is not round, don’t get me wrong, it simply feels in control and ‘smooth & easy‘. The elasticity of impulses I was talking about earlier, which was already introduced by integrating NADAC-C months ago, has now somehow become a commodity, something that is not even worth mentioning in a sense. Like real life, why mention elasticity of transients? They simply are there, either clear or less clear….a sense of normality to the sound presentation. That’s it, a dream to the music aficionado like me. No equipment to be bothered about….
I mean, not being bothered by sound-quality, just listening music. Oh my word, what a blessing!”
“This is what Digital Audio needed all along!”
Bert Van Der Wolf – Netherlands
2024 testimonial

Another perspective from the USA
“The Nadac D and Nadac C are providing a breathtaking realization of what digital can be in the reproduction of recorded music. For the first time I consider the pair to be a true partner to the best qualities of both phono and tape analog sources. An exquisitely remarkable achievement.”
DR – Connecticut USA

2024 testimonial

…”it is still cold and not broken in, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we will be towards the optimum, but it is already exceptional….”
Joël Perrot (left) | Soupir Éditions – France

2024 testimonial

“The NADAC has a larger, more detailed, and precise soundstage than our previous reference. With natural air, placement of instruments and note sustain I am more engaged than ever. Everything is better with NADAC C&D. I really love the combo!”
Paul Falla | Millenium AV Design – Delaware USA

2024 testimonial

“The process of discovering the Master Fidelity NADAC products was a most unique and transformational experience. The Master Fidelity NADAC D & NADAC C create a new category of audio source components that perform beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. Utterly captivating – one of a kind!”
Dick Diamond | GTT Audio – USA

2024 testimonial

Choosing equipment for an important show is crucial to have an impact on the listener. I think Robert was happy with his choice!
“…This set-up plays really, really well…”
Robert Auer | Auer Acoustics – Germany

2024 testimonial

He should know!
“It is unfair to call the MF NADAC Combo digital, it creates a new category equal to master tape and the best vinyl playback.”
Bill Parish | GTT Audio – USA

2024 testimonial

“Having owned the first-generation NADAC for five years (PLAYER 8 CH, POWER, CLOCK LN), I’ve just switched to the new models (NADAC D & C). The previous one was already really good, but the new one pushes the limits of what’s possible! Every aspect of music reproduction, down to the smallest detail, is perfectly reproduced in an extremely natural way. I thought I knew certain recordings that I’ve been listening to for years perfectly well, but these new NADACs make me rediscover these pieces of music! Master Fidelity’s development work is outstanding. Many thanks to Bert for distributing this product in France and for the speedy response to questions about the products. I highly recommend these new NADACs, it’s a unique experience!”
AM – France

2024 testimonial

This is the main point. Transparency which is so well expressed here.
“Analog or Digital? At Master Fidelity the only choice is live music.”
“At Master Fidelity, despite being digital, the output surpasses analog quality, delivering an experience comparable to live music or a concert.”
JY – New Jersey USA

2024 testimonial

“…-truly amazing- what this DAC is capable of. For the first time, a representation of digital audio that has “nothing wrong with it”!
-A revelation- In combination with the NADAC-C clock unit, it is “magical” and unique in presentation…Completely convincing, period!!”
Rhapsody Sound Masters – The Netherlands

January 2025

hi-fi+ review by Kevin Fiske
The precision, in terms of the position and apparent size of each musical event, was to a standard I’ve frankly not heard before. […] After more than six weeks of digital via the NADAC D and C I realised that not once had I touched the household record collection.

2024 testimonial

Wherever you are in the USA, the Master Fidelity NADAC system sounds just as good!
“I strive to have the best audio equipment available and feel the Master Fidelity NADAC D and C fit very well into my system. Hard to believe digital can get any better than this.”
PL – Ohio USA

2024 testimonial

Another comment from a satisfied customer from Florida:
“The introduction of the Master Fidelity NADAC D&C has taken my audio system to new heights. Closer to live music in my listening room than I thought was possible.”
DY – Florida USA

2024 testimonial

An opinion from France. These guys know what to listen for.
“Well, after several days of listening, I find this new NADAC D incredible. A lot of texture and density, very linear with a lack of distortion it’s a very comfortable and easy listening, music seems obvious…”
Matthieu Prevot (right) – France

2024 testimonial

Industry professionals have a tough job to sell the next “greatest product”. They need to be convinced. It seems that John is!
“I can describe the NADAC D/C as MUSIC! Using the Master Fidelity in my reference system has been unlike any performance improvement in my 30 years of experience. I feel the system is absent of everything except the Music itself. Emotional and Engaging, like never before.”
John Grasso | Audio Elation – Montana USA

2024 testimonial

There are European perspectives on the advances made by the Master Fidelity NADAC combination.
“…in private, I never used to listen to “digital”, it never gave me the same feeling as my analogue sources like tape and vinyl. For the first time I cannot stop listening to it now though, even with streaming the presentation is extraordinarily involving and normal in a sense. I only knew this from analogue so far…fantastic!…”
Harry van Dalen | Rhapsody Sound Masters – The Netherlands

2024 testimonial

A satisfied customer? You can be the judge of that!
“I am writing to THANK YOU for the new front end. I have bought many things from you all of which were steps up. However, this is probably the single greatest step up ever. This unit is still improving but it is incredible and breathtakingly musical. The presentation is huge, the resolution is stunning, and the whole thing engages me with a total intensity. Incredibly, the unit seems to be getting more musical as it breaks in, not mI am writing to THANK YOU for the new front end.

I have bought many things from you all of which were steps up. However, this is probably the single greatest step up ever. This unit is still improving but it is incredible and breathtakingly musical. The presentation is huge, the resolution is stunning, and the whole thing engages me with a total intensity. Incredibly, the unit seems to be getting more musical as it breaks in, not m#hifiaudioore hifi.
(a couple of months later) I am still blown away by the front end you put me on to. It still knocks me out every time I listen.”
GG – New Jersey USA
2024 testimonial

Any new high-end audio product depends on its customers to spread the word on how it sounds. Manufacturers and dealers will always tell you that it sounds great because they want to sell units. Nevertheless, dealers are often best placed to make comparisons so their input is valid too. Master Fidelity has had a tremendous launch year in 2024 and now we start to accumulate valuable feedback. Here is the first one:
“The MF units have been simply TRANSFORMATIVE to my CD and streaming experience!!”
AJ – Texas USA

2024 testimonial

Picked up this January HiFi+ magazine in Heathrow before my flight. So excited about the MF NADAC D+C review.
“The NADAC’s performance is so detailed, so dense, yet at the same time so vital and so natural, that on many occasions it caused household listeners to fall into stunned silence, not just at the degree of technical competence in evidence, but at the ease with which the performance pressed emotional buttons as well.”
Thanks very much……
Dongsong Zhang – London UK


A seasonal summary since the launch of the Master Fidelity NADAC
A busy series of trade shows rounded off an eventful 2024 for Master Fidelity. Asia, USA and Europe all saw major events where the NADAC products garnered high praise from critics and attendees alike. These events coincided with the global availability of the NADAC D and NADAC C with production steadily increasing across the summer.

November 2024

Apart from “far ahead”, I can’t think of any other words!
Four things about NADAC and two new products The new decoder with “True 1-Bit” technology is here! Original Wu Tong Home Appliance Forum May 30, 2024.
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November 22 to 24, 2024

2024 Guangzhou High End Show
Master Fidelity NADAC will hold its Guangzhou debut demonstration at the Guangzhou International Audio & Record Exhibition, Agate Hall, 2nd Floor, China Hotel. This event is in partnership with Rui Sound, featuring brands like Swiss Stenheim speakers and American high-current amplifiers by BAT.
Master Fidelity NADAC Press Conference, Friday, November 22
10:00 – 11:00 AM with Weishen Xu (MF CEO) and Dominique Brulhart (Head of Application Software)
November 2024

The D/A Converter that doesn’t want to be a DAC
“The big difference is the remarkably continuous and super self-explanatory performance. Aspects that have been and still are analog’s strengths to this day. Combine that with strong digital aspects such as tranquility, purity, freedom from distortion, “endless” dynamic contrasts and definition and you have a unique product. If you then add the NADAC C to that, we enter a new musical world where few, even more expensive DACs have ever existed.” Werner Ero, Music Emotion

November 8 to 10, 2024

Osaka High End Show 2024
Master Fidelity is proud to announce that it will be represented at the Osaka High End Show by Electori Co who can be found on the 5th floor. The show runs from 8th November through 10th. With deliveries increasing steadilly in USA and Europe, with excellent customer feedback, emphasis switches to Asia with this important event.

November 8 to 10, 2024

Capital Audiofest 2024
Master Fidelity NADAC D and NADAC C will feature in the GTT Audio room 711 at Capital Audiofest near Washington DC starting November 8 through 10th. https://www.capitalaudiofest.com/
Check out the phenomenal system that will be demonstrated in this room. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6wj38sVWOc
NADAC features from 8 minutes into the video.

July 26 to 28, 2024

Tokyo International Audio Show 2024: revolutionary 1-bit technology to hear
The Tokyo International Audio Show begins on July 26 at the Tokyo International Forum.
Master Fidelity distributor for Japan, Electori, will display NADAC.D and NADAC.C models in G502 until the close of the show on July 28.

May 9 to 12, 2024

High End Munich 2024:
Master Fidelity launches Next-Generation NADAC Line
Master Fidelity is set to launch its second-generation NADAC line at High End Munich 2024. Building on the legacy of the MERGING+NADAC, the new NADAC D DAC introduces several major technical innovations, including True 1-bit DSD for unparalleled decoding accuracy. This next-generation lineup promises to redefine the standards of audio fidelity.

May 2023

NADAC Evolution
Most great audio products originate from a passion to excel. The NADAC story is no exception, and its origins can be traced back to the professional audio world. Merging Technologies has had a passion for delivering the best audio tools for recording since its foundation in 1990. The company has been pushing the boundaries of digital recording from the beginning. This small company near Lausanne in Switzerland soon found itself in